My Testimony
God's Gift
I was born in the city of Buffalo, New York. My parents were very hardworking. Even though I lived in the projects, I never felt poor. My family and extended family lived all around me. Even as a child, I felt that there was something "religious" that I should be doing. If any church would have a program, I was there. Many Sunday mornings, I would sit on the front stairs, with my quarter offering waiting to see who would take me with them to church. Sadly, I did not know Christ as my Savior.
God was merciful to me. After witnessing a murder happen right before my eyes, my parents decided to move us from the projects. It was after this move that God showed me that He heard the heart-cry of a little girl desperately searching for Him.
We moved to the only neighborhood where a church began a bus ministry. The pastor's wife and bus captain visited my friend's house. They told us how Jesus Christ loved us, and gave His life for us to have forgiveness of sins. I prayed with a group of children that day. I can honestly say that I did not understand exactly what I did, but I didn't want to go to Hell.
It was later, when I understood repentance for sins, and that Jesus Christ exchanged my sins for His precious blood, that I was truly saved and scripturally baptized by immersion. Praise the Lord!
God's Call
As a pre-teen, I faithfully attended a Bible-believing Baptist Church. One day, a missionary to the Ivory Coast presented his work in our church. The pictures made me cry. It was that day that I asked the Lord if He could use me. I promised that I would go to Africa to win people to Christ that looked like me. I had never heard of a missionary going around the world to share the message of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ.
God is Faithful. It has taken many years, but He has lead me around the United States and Puerto Rico to be trained for His work. God has put a love for those born "differently-abled" in my heart. As a teacher of children with special needs, I realized that some of my students could understand the Word of God and their need of a Savior. It changed my life. God gave me a burden to reach those with special needs, specifically those without the ability to commincate effectively. The Lord began bringing many people born with autism, deafness, and physical challenges into my classroom and into my life. He used my students to teach me how to love and reach those in the silent world. To obey God's command to reach "every creature" with the Gospel, my kids, the Deaf and.....must not be forgotten.
The Lord called me to begin His work in Liberia, West Africa. There are very few works for the Deaf, and even less for those with special needs. As part of a team of missionaries, I will teach the "Precious Jewels" He created of the God who loves them. Then train and disciple the willing Christians of Liberia to bring the light of the Gospel to All who will hear, whether it be by word or by sign.
“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Mark 16:15
Sending Church:
Faith Baptist Church
500 Lee Road
Taylors, SC 29687
Pastor: Dr. John Monroe
In Partnership With:
Silent Word Ministries Int'l
P.O. Box 889
Trenton, GA 30752
Phone: 706-657-8000
Video Phone: 706-956-0485